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#Libraries and #Democracy, a Pairing We Need More than Ever! by Rolynn Anderson

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” -Cicero

Before the internet, libraries were our second homes. Worlds opened up for us through the books we checked out from our community and school libraries; we squinted at microfiche tapes and skimmed through research tomes for many a research paper in libraries, as well.

Technology has changed the role of our public library system, but the bottom line remains: everyone, no matter what income, has the freedom to learn, be entertained, do business, even take online courses in these public institutions. Computers, phones, WiFi, and computer programs are expensive, widening the gap between those who have the money to purchase them and those who don’t. More than ever, schools and libraries must offer equal opportunity to all community members.

I’m pleased to be giving back to the library in Nipomo, California this coming March. It’s a local Author Meet and Greet, and I’m offering a couple books to raffle, giving a donation to the library, and selling books to readers who drop by to meet writers.

If you’re in the area (see details in the flyer) March 18 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm, please drop by and say howdy to local writers. We love getting out of our offices to meet real people and talk books with them! See you there!

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