Are you at ease with letting go of useless, or irrational habits?
I had no idea I was a virgin at dropping silly rituals until I started listening to my friends and my subconscious. Did it really take seven decades of living to get to this place? Or maybe after 30 tough years as an educator, followed by 20 as an author, I am letting myself relax. Many of you reached the letting-go moment earlier than I did, and I applaud you. For me, the days of breathing easier come after a serious battle with cancer, the Covid scourge, and the inevitable, aging.
Truth is, I should have adopted a good many To Do’s in the following list, 30 years ago. For those of you, younger and smarter than I am, check off the elements in your life you’ve already let go and add more…for the fun of it!
1. Walk in my most comfortable shoes
2. Skip a day washing my hair
3. Wear the same outfit twice in a row
4. Forget about hiding the bags under my eyes
5. Ignore the wrinkles around my mouth-smile more to make them deeper
6. Leave some dishes in the sink
7. Eat ice cream at least once a week
8. Order a Venti instead of a Grande flat white
9. Let some days pass before I answer an e-mail
10. Wear my glittery jewelry even if my clothes are casual
11. Tip my house cleaner
12. Vary my daily activities
13. Watch corny shows
14. Keep outfits that feel good
15. Watch the birds at my feeding station
16. Take the expensive cruise instead of the bargain one
17. Hold my happy friends close
18. View twice as many feel-good shows as dark ones
19. Enjoy my creative time at the computer
20. Slap on 12-hour lipstick, and eyebrow darkener that lasts three days.