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Pinnacles National Park: A Setting Worth A Story

“Show me a picture of your house. Outside and inside, please.”


Setting matters to me. Does it to you?


When I’m getting to know people online, on Facebook, or in person, I like to ‘place’ them in their normal environment, so I understand individuals better.


In my novels, setting is not only a ‘character’ I develop, but it presents elements that challenge (or assist) my heroes, heroines, and villains.  My second-in-the-series National Park mystery was supposed to be set in St. John, Virgin Island. When I discovered I couldn’t visit St. John this year, I switched my setting to a National Park near me, a little-known park name Pinnacles, east of Soledad, California.


Last week, I took a day-trip to Pinnacles, a National Monument until 2013, when President Obama signed legislation to deem it a National Park. In a few short hours, that setting became mine, and perfect for a great mystery.  The Pinnacles adventure, as yet unnamed, will be second in the series to Fire Is Nice, my first Sable Chisholm (Law Enforcement Ranger) book.


In my next blog, I’ll tell you about intriguing aspects of Pinnacles that will convince you this setting is ripe for a compelling mystery. Stay tuned



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